Referrals, Tours & Trials


All referrals are made by Ontario Heath atHome through Ontario Health, Central Region.   Contact them by calling 1-(888)-470-2222.

TOURS – By appointment only and only for In-Person program

We welcome anyone to take a tour of our space and see our programs in session.  Please call the Manager of the Adult Day Program at 416-705-3825 to book or email us at

TRIALS – Only offered after referral is received by Ontario Health atHome:

In-person Program Trial is booked on the day of the vacancy, cost is $22.00 which includes one (1) nutritious snack and a hot lunch from 9:30 am to 2:00pm. Upon completion of the trial, UHS ADP will proceed with admission or help connect the client with a more appropriate service based on need.

Virtual Program Trial is one (1) zoom group session at no cost.